Prudence in Using Social Media
10 April 2024
Are you consuming Social Media or is it consuming you?
Social media is not bad in and of itself, but the way we use it and its impact could be changing us in more ways than we think.
Parents, how often have you fallen into the comfort of using your phone at the dining table instead of engaging in conversations?
Children, how many times have you been glued on that reel, scrolling away and not being present to the person in front of you?
If Social media was meant to connect us, why do we feel so disconnected from the very people we live with? Do we have reel connections or real connections?
Growing in the virtue of Prudence means we have “to discern our true good in every circumstance and to choose the right means of achieving it” (CCC1806) or as Thomas Aquinas says “right reason in action”. There’s a time and place for everything, so how do we know whether we have been prudent in using Social Media?
Here are FIVE ways to find out:
1. Humility or Pride?
Social media can remove us from being in the present. Our devices get in the way of a conversation at the dinner table or some quiet time with ourselves. When we are not in touch with reality, we can quickly become preoccupied with what others think of us, seeing ourselves through the lenses of the world and others’ opinions rather than in the light of truth – that’s pride. “Humility means seeing ourselves as God sees us: knowing every good we have comes from Him as pure gift” (Summa Q161).
2. Is It Healthy For Your Mind?
What we put in our minds affects us – our relationships, hearts,and souls. If the content we consume stirs up feelings and thoughts that are not in line with our identity as God’s beloved and life as a disciple of Christ, take the bold step to remove it.
3. Are You Making the Most of Your Time?
Let’s be real, we’re busy people. Our many commitments mean that many things are vying for our time. As Catholics, we ought to prioritise our time well, including the most necessary thing – prayer time. Instead of going through the motions of scrolling, stop and think if there is something else you could be doing to nourish yourself. If you’re tired, put that phone away and rest. If you’ve been disconnected lately, try being more present during your lunch conversation. Slowly, these will become habits and you will be more intentional in using your time.
4. What Exactly Are You Looking For?
When we look for the why’s to what we do, we understand ourselves better. Being too consumed by social media doesn’t just distract us from engaging with others, but it can also distract us from ourselves. Being intentional about our usage helps us know what we lack and what we desire, we can then channel these yearnings to God because only He can satisfy us. Whether it is affirmation, status, clarity, comfort, connection…turn to God and you will not be disappointed. He is the living water that never runs dry.
5. How Do You Feel When You’re Not Using Social Media?
Are we addicted to social media? Did you know that neuroscientists have compared social media interaction to a syringe of dopamine being injected straight into the system. If pressing pause on social media causes mood modification, withdrawal symptoms (i.e., experiencing unpleasant physical and emotional symptoms) or conflicts (i.e., interpersonal problems ensue because of social media usage) might be time to start a detox.
So the next time you find yourself hooked on your phone, ask yourself these 5 questions and see how you can recalibrate your usage. Whether it's placing your screen facing down during meal time or moving social media apps away from the home screen or into a folder, remember that the only thing more valuable than time is who we spend it with.
Prudence in Using Social Media
10 April 2024
Are you consuming Social Media or is it consuming you?
Social media is not bad in and of itself, but the way we use it and its impact could be changing us in more ways than we think.
Parents, how often have you fallen into the comfort of using your phone at the dining table instead of engaging in conversations?
Children, how many times have you been glued on that reel, scrolling away and not being present to the person in front of you?
If Social media was meant to connect us, why do we feel so disconnected from the very people we live with? Do we have reel connections or real connections?
Growing in the virtue of Prudence means we have “to discern our true good in every circumstance and to choose the right means of achieving it” (CCC1806) or as Thomas Aquinas says “right reason in action”. There’s a time and place for everything, so how do we know whether we have been prudent in using Social Media?
Here are FIVE ways to find out:
1. Humility or Pride?
Social media can remove us from being in the present. Our devices get in the way of a conversation at the dinner table or some quiet time with ourselves. When we are not in touch with reality, we can quickly become preoccupied with what others think of us, seeing ourselves through the lenses of the world and others’ opinions rather than in the light of truth – that’s pride. “Humility means seeing ourselves as God sees us: knowing every good we have comes from Him as pure gift” (Summa Q161).
2. Is It Healthy For Your Mind?
What we put in our minds affects us – our relationships, hearts,and souls. If the content we consume stirs up feelings and thoughts that are not in line with our identity as God’s beloved and life as a disciple of Christ, take the bold step to remove it.
3. Are You Making the Most of Your Time?
Let’s be real, we’re busy people. Our many commitments mean that many things are vying for our time. As Catholics, we ought to prioritise our time well, including the most necessary thing – prayer time. Instead of going through the motions of scrolling, stop and think if there is something else you could be doing to nourish yourself. If you’re tired, put that phone away and rest. If you’ve been disconnected lately, try being more present during your lunch conversation. Slowly, these will become habits and you will be more intentional in using your time.
4. What Exactly Are You Looking For?
When we look for the why’s to what we do, we understand ourselves better. Being too consumed by social media doesn’t just distract us from engaging with others, but it can also distract us from ourselves. Being intentional about our usage helps us know what we lack and what we desire, we can then channel these yearnings to God because only He can satisfy us. Whether it is affirmation, status, clarity, comfort, connection…turn to God and you will not be disappointed. He is the living water that never runs dry.
5. How Do You Feel When You’re Not Using Social Media?
Are we addicted to social media? Did you know that neuroscientists have compared social media interaction to a syringe of dopamine being injected straight into the system. If pressing pause on social media causes mood modification, withdrawal symptoms (i.e., experiencing unpleasant physical and emotional symptoms) or conflicts (i.e., interpersonal problems ensue because of social media usage) might be time to start a detox.
So the next time you find yourself hooked on your phone, ask yourself these 5 questions and see how you can recalibrate your usage. Whether it's placing your screen facing down during meal time or moving social media apps away from the home screen or into a folder, remember that the only thing more valuable than time is who we spend it with.
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