Hopeful and courageous communities upholding the dignity of human life according to God’s plan
To Form, Empower and Restore individuals, married couples and families
in every stage of life so all may flourish in the intimate love of God
Being patient, kind and sincere
Embracing our colleagues and work partners with all imperfections, seeing them through God’s eyes
Respecting, trusting and supporting each other in all work challenges
Helping those in need be cared for and accepted unconditionally
Carrying out our duties to the best of our abilities and in a responsible manner
Working with ethics of sound judgement, dependability and loyalty to the vision and mission
Constantly observing professional conduct and be accountable for actions and mistakes
Upholding Catholic morality and ethics - acting with honesty, authenticity, openness, honour and truthfulness at all times
Committed to the Mission and Vision, and Values
Trusting in the leadership of Management and Board
Believing and trusting in God, relying on faith - prayer, scripture, community, and sacraments to draw strength, especially through difficult moments or challenges
Being faith-based in all aspects of working, leading and decision-making
Doing good to serve, offering our talents, and being companions on the journey
Encouraging and engaging colleagues to have open and honest conversations, embracing change and to have a "can do" attitude
Taking personal leadership and helping each other take ownership to make the best with whatever resources available
Creating positive impact and empowering others by recognising their talents and providing opportunities to all
Inspiring hope and purpose, willingness to be part of something greater than ourselves